Children & Youth at St Nicholas
We look forward to welcoming you to St Nicholas Church. Children are welcome at every
service at St Nicks.
We are constantly developing and delivering to our younger church — toddlers, children,
teenagers and their families.
Our children spend a lot of time in school, studying, and developing. We don’t want them to feel that time together with God and God’s people on Sunday is more “School” we want them to come to church and have fun. We believe that children should be SEEN and HEARD!
Being together in the company of one another and being in God’s company are at the heart of Junior Church. Learning to grow together in love for God and for one another is the centre of all Christian teaching; it is at the heart of everything we do as a people of faith in Jesus.

What we offer:
We have a dedicated children's area in church where the children can play games, colouring,
talk with each other, we also have "Pew Bags" which are filled with toys and crafts for children
to play with in the pews sat with their grown-ups if they wish.
We have a wonderful, thriving Junior Church group here at St Nick’s through which
children aged 0-11 have the opportunity to come together on a Sunday morning for a time of
fun, learning and friendship.
Adventurers is the group for children aged 3-5 who enjoy lots of singing, Bible stories, making and doing. It is held in the Dalton Room of the Village Hall.
Explorers is the group for children aged 6-11. They meet in the Main Hall for worship, teaching
and a variety of theme-related activities, usually linked to the Bible readings set for the day.
These readings are read across the world on the same Sunday in most Christian churches.
Each of these groups is resourced with wonderfully enthusiastic teachers and helpers to ensure
that the children are given the best teaching and care we can offer.
Children may be dropped off from 9.20am allowing parents and carers to join with the adult members of the church for worship in church - which we encourage and expect.
All children should be collected after the sermon and brought into church so that they can join with the whole church for communion or a blessing, and be sent out to begin a new week.

On the 1st Sunday of the month we have our All Age Breakfast Service at 9.30am in the Village Hall, this service is truly for All Ages! We share in worship, breakfast, songs and always have good fun!
On the 3rd Sunday of the month we have our All Age Communion Service. This is a Communion Service in church at which we encourage the whole church to be together, with a service that we also use during our St Nicks School Communion Services and teaching which especially keeps our youngest members in mind.
Our youth are always welcome to join in during the service by leading prayers or reading the Bible story.

Safeguarding and Enrolment:
We take our Safeguarding responsibilities seriously and we understand how important it is that every parent / guardian feels that their child is in safe hands.
We have thorough recruitment and checking processes around all those who help lead and support our Junior Church groups.
Every helper who serves in a specific role completes a full recruitment process, has references submitted, and has an enhanced DBS Disclosure.
It is also important that every child is properly registered / enrolled with us. Enrolment forms are available in the Children's Corner in Church, from the Parish Office and the “Junior Church” group leaders.
Enrolment Forms are to be completed BEFORE a a child can be
admitted to any of the groups, but this can be done on the day!

Montessori Pre-School, Chislehurst
A unique learning experience for children.Caring and Safe environment in a beautiful village setting.
One World Montessori Pre-School is part of the life of St Nicholas Church. It is run independently of the church as a professional education service from the St Nicholas Village Hall.
For more details contact: Filomena Dunstane